Queen Victoria's bathing machine by Gloria Whelan

Author/Illustrator: Gloria Whelan/ Nancy Carpenter
Genre: Fiction
Awards: ALA Notable Children's Books; CBC/NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Book; Capitol Choices List (DC); Eureka Nonfiction Honor Book; Kansas State Reading Circle List PrimaryTitle
MSTA Reading Circle List; Wisconsin State Reading Association's Reading List
Age: 5-8
This book is about wants to go for a swim, because it was so hot, but the people around her think it's not a good idea for the queen to show more of her skin than, her hands and face. One day Prince Albert said he would devise and invention to help Queen Victoria get her wish. One idea he came up with was catapulting her into the Atlantic Ocean, but the Queen thought about how the English shoot whatever is in the sky down, so he had to come up with another idea. He came up with the idea to make her a bathing machine. He told her how it would work and that she would enter one side dressed like a royal queen and inside she would change into her bathing suit, while it rolled into the ocean and she would come out of it and be right in the ocean. She couldn't wait to start using her new invention, One day while she was out swimming two sailors came by and thought the bathing machine was a ship or boat improperly docked so they got closer and thought it was a soup tureen but later realized it was their queen. She didn't notice them and continued to have fun until her time was done and she returned to her prince.
I would love to read this book to children and think they would enjoy it. At the back of the book there's a picture of her actual bathing machine and shows where it's located today. I'm not sure if I would use this in a lesson, but I think I wold talk to my students about what they think she felt like being stuck in a palace all day and have to worry about others seeing her without her royal clothes. I think this book is great for students in Kindergarten- 3rd grade.
- Peace. Love. Giraffes.
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