The Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore/ Robert Sabuda

Author/Pop-up Designer: Clement Clarke Moore/Robert Sabuda
Genre: Fiction
Age: 4-8
This book is about what happens in a little house the night before Christmas,when Santa was supposed to be coming to lay the presents under the tree. It mentions the preparations a family went through to get ready for good ole St. Nick. They hung up their stockings, set out some cookies and milk and went to bed to await his arrival. They heard noises and went to the window and saw Santa's sleigh and his reindeer, the child then heard them land on the roof. The child saw Santa come down the chimney, and his sack of toys with him. The child was able to describe Santa Claus and see him. They described what he did, putting things in their stockings, described his figure, and that he didn't say a word and just went to work. Once he finished he noticed the child saw him and put his finger to his mouth like saying "shh" and went back up the chimney. And just like that he was back on the roof calling his team to leave and onto their next house, and he saw Santa and his reindeer in the sky flying away.
I would absolutely have something like this pop-up book in my classroom, and it would be kept with the teacher. I would use this as a read aloud as we get ready for Christmas break
I think students in Preschool-3rd grade will really enjoy this, but I think kids of all ages would love this book. I enjoyed reading it myself and seeing how someone can make something so beautiful and masterful is amazing, and I think students would enjoy seeing it brought to life.
- Peace. Love. Giraffes.
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