The Unlucky Lottery Winners of Classroom 13 by Honest Lee & Mattew J. Gilbert

Author/Illustrator: Honest Lee & Matthew J. Gilbert/ Joelle Dreidemy
Genre: Fiction
Major Awards: Texas Bluebonnet nominee (2018)
Age: 8-10
This book talks about how one teacher became not so unlucky. Mrs. Linda LaCrosse was normally so very unlucky until one day when she realized she won the lottery which was worth $28 billion and she and all the students made a treaty if she had won she would split it with them all equally. Unfortunately, one student Santiago wasn't there to sign the treaty so he didn't get a cut of it.It then goes into talking about how each student spent their portion of the money. Each student, except one, Olivia spent their money on materialistic things and things of importance to them now. Only to later realize that something would happen to their items and they were left with nothing in return. Even the teacher spent money on a massive mansion only for it to swallowed up by a sinkhole. At the end Classroom 13 returned to as normal as it could be, students were upset about what they lost, but in the end didn't really learn a lesson. Olivia was and putting hers away for college so it would be there for her future. At the back of the book the author wants to hear from people who read this book and encourages them to share it with others.
I liked this book and think students would enjoy reading it. I found it interesting on what the students spent their money on. This book would be best for students in 2nd - 4th grade. If I used this in a lesson it would be about what my students would do if I as their teacher won this amount of money and would they spend it on some of the same things the kids in the book spent their money on.
- Peace. Love. Giraffes.
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