The Wishbone Wish by Megan McDonald

Author/Performed by: Megan McDonald/Amy Rubinate
Genre: Fiction
Age: 6-9
Judy and her brother Stink were getting ready for the annual Turkey Trot Race. Judy was preparing her costume as the Sarah Josepha Hale, the inventor of Thanksgiving, she told her brother how for 38 years she wrote letters to the Presidents saying they should celebrate Thanksgiving once again, but one listen until Abraham Lincoln came along. He listened and agreed to make a Thursday in November, a holiday for Thanksgiving. She told him she also wrote "Mary Had a Little Lamb". Judy had planned on wining the Turkey Trot Race and the prize to go with it, a real turkey, so she had already called her Grandma Lou and told her not to by one, that's how confident she was that she was going to win, her brother didn't think that was such a good idea. They both wished on a chicken wishbone and Judy got the bigger half so her wish was bound to come true. Judy trained her brother to get ready for the races and had him go through many exercises. While they were in timeout they had many different thinks going through their head. Judy snuck into her brother's room and stole his stopwatch and realized that she had been hogging his stuff while in timeout. She came up with a peace treaty for her and her brother. The next few days were full of training and no fighting between the two. Until it was finally Turkey Trot Race day, and they were ready. Judy was hoping to win the Costume contest, the Triple Fun Relay, and the Turkey Trot Race, she would walk away with three amazing prizes. But she lost the Costume contest to Jessica Finch. The lost the Triple Fun Relay as well. When it came to the Turkey Trot, she was doing great until her final turn and Jessica Finch's pig ran into the track and was running around Judy. She grabbed the pig and won the Turkey Trot. Stink won his race as well. The prize she thought she was going to win wasn't a turkey, it was a frozen football wrapped, but it was a different type of turkey, that was completely unexpected. They were then off to Grandma Lou's house, but on the way Stink stepped on her wining diorama. When they got her Grandma's house, but it was too frozen to be cooked since it needed a lot of time to thaw. They used other substitutes for their dinner that night and the next night they would have their Thanksgiving dinner. They ended up having two Thanksgiving dinners. The book then gave facts about Sarah Josepha Hale.
I enjoyed this audiobook and it was different listening to a book instead of reading it. I think students would enjoy reading the book. I think this book is an interesting take on Thanksgiving and how they tried so hard. I think if I used this in a lesson it would be a read aloud to prepare students as we break for Thanksgiving. This book is great for students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade. Of course with younger students the teacher would read it to them.
- Peace. Love. Giraffes.
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