If You Give A Moose A Muffin by Laura Joffe Numeroff

Author/Illustrator: Laura Joffe Numeroff/Felicia Bond
Genre: Fiction
Age: 4-8
This book is about a child who gave a moose a muffin, that let to other events unfolding. It all started when the little boy gave the moose a muffin, the moose wanted some jam to go with it and the child gave him some of his mother's homemade blackberry jam. He finished eating that muffin and wanted another and another and ate them all, so he asked the little boy to make more. He was going to head to the store to get more muffin mix, and the moose wanted to go with. Once he opened the door he realized how chilly it was and asked to borrow a sweater. The boy gave him a sweater to borrow, but the moose noticed a button was loose. He asked for needle and thread and as he was sewing he remembered how his grandmother would make puppets. So he asked for some old socks, to make sock puppets with. When he finished he wanted to put on a show, so hey gathered cardboard and paints and made the scenery. He was getting ready to start his show, but his antlers were being shown, so he asked for something to cover them up, the little boy gave him the sheet from his bed, and this reminded the moose of how he wanted to be a ghost for Halloween. He put on the sheet, and frightened himself and made a mess of the paints that were on the floor. Since the sheet was already dirty he used it to clean up the mess. He washed the sheet and went to hang it on the clothesline, and saw the mother's blackberry bushes, which reminded him of the jam, which made him want muffins.
I enjoyed this book because it was a cute read for younger children. I think they would enjoy reading about what happens when this bot gave him a muffin, odds are some would probably want to try it, and we would have to let them know that they can't just go and feed a moose. I would probably just use this story as a read aloud and not part of a unit. I would want my students to focus on the enjoyment of the story. The overall theme was that this little boy made the moose feel at home, by doing the different things with him, and getting him the things he needed. I think this book would best suit children in Preschool - 2nd grade.
- Peace. Love. Giraffes.
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