Night Sky Wheel Ride by Sheree Fitch

Author/Illustrator: Sheree Fitch/Yayo
Genre: Poetry
Age: 3-6
This book is about two children who go to the fair and want to ride the big Ferris wheel. They first started out, in line and were the first ones at the gate. They then went and got some cotton candy and it melted on their tongues. They then noticed the Ferris wheel and were excited to ride it. Throughout the beginning of the story they constantly asked "Are we big enough this year, Mama? Are we brave enough, Brother, Sister are you ready to fly?" When they got in line for the Ferris wheel they said they were big enough and they were brave enough and ready to fly. So they got into they their cart and they went up and up, and they started spinning and they imagined they were on a washing machine, and they even talked about going upside down. At one point the Ferris wheel stopped at the top, and it was swinging and swaying and the little girl told the brother not to look down so instead they played a dot to dot game with Orion's stars. Once it came back down they took an under sea adventure and pretended there were mermaids, they heard a whale singing and the humming of every little phosphorescent thing. They even mentioned how the people looked like jelly beans from above, which if anyone has been in a Ferris wheel they know this to be true. It goes through different typical things we would see at a fair, but shows how the kids put their own spin and twist on it to make it their own experience. It ends with the children telling their mama they flew and they made it, and now they thought they were forever a part of the sky.
I think this book would be perfect for younger students. It would also be a great read as the rodeo or fair rolls near, and students if they go can imagine things like the two children did in this book, and come and tell the class about their experiences. Overall, I think this book is a cute story for children and shows them that anything can come alive with imagination. I absolutely loved reading this book and love seeing kids' imagination change something so simple and classic into so much more than what it was.
-Peace. Love. Giraffes.
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