The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Paul Galdone

Author/Illustrator: Paul Galdone
Genre: Fairy Tales; Fiction
Age: 4-7
This book is about three goats who walked over this bridge and they each get stopped by this troll who wants to eat these billy goats, and how they outsmarted him. They lived on a hillside and were hungry and wanted to get fat the only way to do so was to cross the bridge, which was over a rushing river and a Troll lived underneath it. The first Billy Goat Gruff was tiny and small and warned that a bigger goat was coming along and that he would fill him up, rather than a tiny goat. So the Troll let him go free. Then came along the second slightly larger Billy Goat Gruff and as he was crossing the bridge the Troll stopped him as well. He said he was going to eat him up, but the second billy goat, like the first one warned that a bigger billy goat was coming along and would fill up the Troll. So the Troll let him go as well. Along comes the third and biggest billy goat and like the other goats he was stopped by the Troll. This Billy Goats voice was just as loud as the Troll, and he said he was going to gobble him up, and the third Billy Goat, told him to come on up, he had two horns and four hard hooves and wasn't afraid of the Troll. The Troll climbed up the bridge and Billy Goat Gruff butted and trampled the mean Troll into the rushing water below. Then the big Billy Goat Gruff joined his brothers along the hillside, where they were all able to eat and get fat, they got do fat they couldn't walk home.
I think this book would be a great tale for students to hear. I think they would enjoy knowing what happens to the mean, ugly Troll. I think if I used this in a lesson, I would want my students to create the next story in a way, basically saying what they think happens to the Troll, and where he might end up at. I think younger students age 4-7 would enjoy reading this book about animals. I think this book would also help students learn about small, medium, and large, since all three billy goats are different sizes.
P.S. notice my Three Great Giraffes Peaches. That's because they're different sizes of the same giraffe, and all named Peaches.
- Peace. Love. Giraffes.
Yes, I love the 3 giraffes!